Wednesday, September 15, 2010


These days,more and more infertility couple are
looking for alternative treatment to help. There are many reasons to cause infertility. Around 20% of the underlying causes can be identified with the man. Around 30% with the woman. And about 30% with both partners.
In the rest 20% or so,is unexplained and has no identifiable root cause.

Men's part:

Poor Sperm Quality

The sperm are simply not up to the job- either from some known but non-correctable cause or for an unknown reason.

Test : A semen analysis measures the count,quality and motility of the sperm.

Treatment: Various assisted-reproduction technologies can help a man with poor sperm increase his chances that one of his sperm cells will fertilize an egg. These include IVF(in vitro fertilization),sperm washing and IUI (intrauterine insemination).The newest technique is ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection),which all you need is one viable sperm for success.

Bottom Line: Depending on the woman's age,Canadian fertility clinics claim a 40-60% pregnancy rate for IVF and a 40% success rate for ICSI.


A clump of enlarged and dilated veins inside the scrotum,a varicocele is the most common surgically correctable cause of infertility in men. Think of it as a varicose vein in a very sensitive area. There are several theories as to why a varicocele can put a damper on fertility,but it's generally thought to act like a miniature radiator to increase the temperature in the testicle. The excess heat decreases sperm production and motility.

Test: Most of the time, a varicocele can be felt during a physical exam. If the exam is inconclusive, an ultrasound of the scrotum may be required.

Treatment: Varicoceles can be corrected with surgery to tie them off and divert blood to normal vessels or with embolization,in which tiny coils are injecte through a catheter to block blood flow to the dilated veins.

Bottom Line: Varicoceles can be fixed,but that doesn't always translate into a pregnancy. The conception rate after treatment is 30 to 50%.


Congenital defects or obstructions that develop later---such as scarring from sexually transmitted infections,biopsies or hernia repairs---can block the sperms' passage anywhere along their journey through the male reproductive system.

Test: A semen analysis may show a very low sperm count and a low volume of seminal fluid. A physical examination or a transrectal ultrasound can also locate an obstruction.

Treatment: Often the blockage can be bypassed with microsurgery, allowing the sperm to flow freely again.

Bottom Line: Success depends on where the obstruction is. The closer the blockage is the testicle,the more complex the fix and the lower the success rate. Pregnancy rates range from 40-60%.

Hormonal Imbalances
Caused by glandular disorders,these imbalances impair sperm production and quality and can reduce a man's sexual desire. They include high levels of prolactin, a hormone that is elevated in nursing moms and suppresses male hormones.

Test: Semen and blood tests.

Treatment: Sperm production is sometimes restored with hormone therapy or drugs that stimulate production of the brain chemical dopamine,which blocks prolactin.

Bottom Line: Sperm can be restored in about 60% of men, and the pregnacy rate is about 40%.

Immunological Infertility
Although this is a controversial area,it is thought that some men produce autoantibodies to their own sperm,because of prior infections in,or blows to,the testicles. These may cause sperm to stick together and reduce their ability to reach and penetrate the egg.

Test:Semen and blood tests.

Treatment: Sperm can be washed in the lab to remove the interfering antibodies,then injected into the woman's uterus.

Bottom Line: The pregnancy rate falls in the 15 to 20% range.

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