Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yin,Yang,Qi and Blood

Before we get into diseases, I would like to give some basic background on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine cannot be compared. Western Medicine needs evidence and a lab for proof, while Chinese Medicine harmonizes with people and the environment. For example, now with the weather change a lot of people get a cough. If you were to go to a western doctor, the doctor would listen to your lungs, draw your blood and even take an x-ray then they would decide what to prescribe.
If you were to come and see me it would be completely different. I would ask you what kind of cough you have. Dry or with phlegm, what color is the phlegm, when is it worse, how’s your mood and so on. Then I would take your pulse and look at your tongue. Combined with the season and the area where your cough is, then I would decide if you have heat cough or a cold cough, a cough caused by Qi deficiency or caused by fire, dryness? Does that sound weird? I’ll explain it to you from the beginning.
Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood are basic essences of the body. To make it even easier, Yin and Yang. Qi belongs to Yang. Blood belongs to Yin. In the chart, white is Yang and black is Yin. I always tell my clients that Yang is like daytime and Yin is nighttime.

Daytime will remind you of warm, heat, bright, active, energy, movement, open, function, etc. Nighttime is cool, cold, dark, quite, still, conservative, down, material, etc. Yin and Yang are opposites. While Yin is inside of Yang, Yang is inside of Yin. So we need to keep Yin and Yang in balance.
Qi is like energy it pushes the blood through the body. If Qi is deficient or stagnant, the blood will move slow or even be blocked. The toxins will stay in the blood and that in it self is a problem. The balance of Yin and Yang with the smooth movement of Qi and Blood are the essence of the body’s health.

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